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ChineseClassical Dance Chinese Classical Dance Origin Origin Ancientdance Ancient dance Opera dance Opera dance Traditional folk dance Traditional f中国舞的英文是:Chinaclassicdance。中国舞的舞姿是非常丰富的,它的基本动作具有高度的雕塑性。它不仅是一种富有表现力的舞蹈动作,也让跳跃、旋转与翻身等技巧

●▽● China dances has the glorious historical origin and the deep artisticaccumulation, before 5000, China already appeared the dance.The dance was our count关于”中国舞“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:China clic dance。以下是关于中国舞的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:China clic dance Square dance has b

一篇介绍民族舞的英语演讲稿篇一:有关舞蹈的英文演讲稿Dancing is a wonderful art and everybody can enjoy the happiness and passion through it. Ballet is commonly k《你好中国》Hello China纪录片中英字幕笔记16中国舞蹈🌸重点表达:be drawn on:被画在上(这里指:舞蹈的画面被画在陶器上;但译为陶器上记载了舞蹈的画面) 祭祀:ceremony for wo

中国古典舞蹈英文简介课件.ppt,中国古典舞蹈英文简介Origin The revival of Ancient dance Opera dance Traditional folk dance Refine, organize, Process, 傣族舞:Dai Dai dance is the ancient folk dance,but also the Dai People's favoritedance.Popular

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