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垫付 英语,积压 英语


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(P) payment of freight 运费支付payment on account 垫付payment on delivery 交货付款. 3 debours 收据recu/quittance垫付debours收讫垫付英语翻译"advancement, payment on account" 参考释义垫付[diànfù] -(暂时替别人付钱)payforsb.andexpecttoberepaidlater 近义词

在开发署,委员会注意到,为未清时间超过6 个月的项目垫付了1 380 万美元,说明清算垫款进度缓慢。daccess-ods.un At UNDP, the Board noted that there were advance问题一:请问“垫付”的英语怎么说?非常同意oldoldwolf的意见~!另外,在美国口语中,人们常用到另一个词spot.spot在美国口语中有”垫付”这个含义,然而这个

均非完整“垫付”之意。准确的翻译应该是:payment for sb. to be paid back later 垫付的advanced 垫付something 垫付保证金advance 垫cushion 付垫石padstone 气垫cushion 腰垫tournure 毛垫pulvinis 地垫ground 最新单词浇铸桶用英语怎么说及英文怎么写c

垫付───Advance payment 双语使用场景Construction tender guarantees generally include bid guarantee, fulfillment guarantee andadvance paymentguarantee.───施"垫付" 英语翻译volume_up 垫付[diàn fù]{名词} EN volume_up advancement payment on account 翻译CN 垫付[diàn fù]{名词} volume_up 垫付(又作:提升,进展,进步,促进

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