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LGV10,LG V50 ThinQ


ˋ▂ˊ 来自韩国品牌LG在10月1日发布了首款真旗舰机型LG V10,同时也是V系列首款产品,最大亮点是双屏幕+双前置摄像头。时隔数月终于上市,来到了我们身边,这款售价5000元的安卓手机,到底表现LG V10上手图赏:V10的屏幕达到5.7英寸,但是由于边框和下巴比较宽,再加上辅屏的原因,整机的大小要比同尺寸的手机大上很多。V10的最大亮点是拥有一块2.1英寸的辅屏幕,位于主屏幕右上

00:15 LG V10防抖实拍样片2015-11-17 00:22 LG V10视频防抖展示2015-11-17 02:46 荣耀畅玩5X 魅蓝metal应用启动速度对比2015-11-10 02:39 华为Mate S 魅族With enhanced videography and editing features, superior audio functionality and seamless social sharing, the LG V10 gives you more ways than ever to capture and

+^+ The LG V10 produced perfectly clear output when connected to an active external amplifier - there wasn't a single one of its readings to be anything other than exGet details on the LG V10™ (H900) Smartphone in Opal Blue with AT&T. With military-grade components this phone is durable and has a 3,000 mAh removable battery.

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