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改良型Bionator矫治反的头影测量研究Study of Maxillofacial Region in the Correction of Early Cross Bite by Bionator;您的姓氏:您的名字:您的性别:男女出生日期:姓名详批重新填写[直译] 生物振荡器[详尽释义] 1. 生物调节器BIONATOR是什么意思?以上就是BIONATOR的含义解释和发音。最

矫治器在改善下颌骨矢状向生长不调的同时,也可以使用的功能矫治器有:生物调节器(bionator)、双阻板矫治器对上下颌骨横向不调进行快速扩弓矫治。twin—blBased on the available evidence, a significant amount of controversy regarding the soft tissue changes produced by the Activator and the Bionator exists. 基于现有

>▽< bionators怎么读点击播放按钮播放发音:播放停止重复静音最大音量00:00 02:00 翻译解释bionators英语什么意思:《英文msh词典》Bionators bionators的發音,bionators的The goal of this retrospective study was to examine the effectiveness of isolated bionator therapy in Class II patients both longitudinally and over the long term

d.wanfangdata.cn|基于20个网页2. 生物功能矫正器1.生物功能矫正器(bionator) 2.功能活化器(activator) 3.双咬合块(twin block)装置4.*头部牵引器(headgear) …tw.my目的确定一个非综合征型耳聋家系的致病基因。4.Clinical trials, which assessed facial soft tissue changes with the use of either an Activator or a Bio

Bionator矫治器对口呼吸儿童上气道矢状径的影响2) herbst appliance Herbst矫治器1. Changes of hard tissues of the Herbst appliance and Edgewise appliance two-phase bionator 英['baɪənətə]美['baɪənətə] 生物活化器Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计生物活化.. 分享单词到:

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